2013 №2
Theme of the Issue:
In the volume’s core is a compilation of large and comprehensive research materials devoted to theoretical legacy of several prominent figures in the history of the world stage, united under the heading «Europe and Russia». It is important, in this case, the fact that the strivings and creative concepts of such recognized figures as F. Ribault, L. Strassberg, A. Artaud, are analyzed in their immediate connection with previous theatre practices and with images of contemporary theatre. This authors’ attitude opens to the readers a largely new and previously unexplored in our country pages of the theatre history. This block adjoins the «Master Class» section, where the previously unstudied materials reveal the principles of formation of Vsevolod Meyerhold’s creative method in the beginning of his directing career. Significant place in the magazine is reserved for a compilation dedicated to the F. Stravinsky, outstanding Russian singer of the second half of the XIX century, and to Opera theatre of his era.
Pro memoria
Alexandra Tuchinskaya. Meyerhold and the «Theatre of intense feelings»
Sergei Tcherkasski. Affective memory in acting: Ribot – Stanislavsky – Strasberg
Vadim Maximov. The Forming of Artaudian Tradition in Modern Theatre
Natalia Shcherbakova. The masquerades of Jean Antoine Watteau