2014 ¹2
Theme of the Issue:
Unity and diversity of the global theatre process, the interpenetration of ideas, styles, attitudes, and various forms of artistic expression – like that, probably, must be determined the main vector of orientation of this volume. The body of its materials includes an attempt to find a fundamentally new perspective on the content of the Metropolitan theatre season. The review called «Stage Mosaics» in the «Theatre Diary» section aims to show for readers the possible widest panorama of the theatre process, focusing on the most significant (in sense of modern aspirations in theatre) productions. A particular complex of texts constitute the work of young researchers analyzing different aspects of world theatre practices: the work of the contemporary German choreographer Sasha Waltz, claiming in her productions the idea of «conceptual theatre»; the phenomenon of American «Minstrel Opera» theatre; the story of the emergence of the first «Corrales», i.e. spaces that are adaptable for theatrical performances in Spain of the XVI century. Several materials associated with various aspects of the visual in the field of theatrical art, among them are the review of the exhibition devoted to stage-designers of Bolshoy Drama Theatre, which was held in the Museum named after A. Bakhrushin, and a historical essay on the work of Marc Chagall in the GOSET, and the article dealing with creative method by the architect A. Tamanyan, who was the author of the project of Opera Theatre in Yerevan.
Oleg Feldman. From the History of Meyerhold Studies
Georgi Tovstonogov. To the Word about Meyerhold
Isaac Schneiderman. Letters to Constantin Rudnitsky
Alexandra Tuchinskaya. The Keeper of Meyerhold’s Magic
Constantin Rudnitsky. Letters to Isaac Schneiderman
Irina Sirotkina. Mysterious Dr. Petrov, biomechanics, Tefizkult and Vsevobuch
Ilya Smirnov. Master Class by Victor Rozov
Olga Panova. Blackface minstrelsy: modelling black image in the American popular culture
Natalia Smirnova-Grynevych. Conceptual theater of Sasha Waltz
Maria Berezanskaya. The theatrical principle in Mark Chagall’s artistic mythology
Olga Egoshina. Foreign tour of the First MAT Studio, 1922. A Chronicle