Submission and Publication Rules
The Editorial Board examines the materials submitted for publication only if they completely suit the following requirements:
- acceptable article size is up to 60 000 characters with spaces;
- the number of illustrations (if proposed) shall be agreed with the editors;
- tables, graphs, and musical texts are not published;
- the texts and illustrations are accepted on electronic media (CD) with the printout (2 copies) signed by the author or by e-mail:;
- examination of manuscripts holds Editorial Board of the journal.
The article should be attached with:
- a brief abstract of the article in Russian and English (up to 800 characters with spaces) and key words (5 to 10);
- information about the author in Russian and English (with indication of scientific degree, scientific title, workplace, mailing address including zip code, phone, e-mail).
For graduate and doctoral students required:
- to specify the Department and faculty of the institution or names of scientific institutions;
- the stamped review from scientific supervisor's, a leading specialist or the sending organization (2 copies).
The rules for design of text and illustrations:
- texts are accepted in MS Word format;
- the author's name and article title are given in small letters;
- all notes are marked with continuous numbering and are given at the end of the text;
- notes in foreign languages must conform strictly to the grammar rules;
- quotation marks are used in the form of « »;
- illustrations are accepted in TIF, JPG (resolution from 250 to 600 dpi);
- captions below the illustrations should include the title of the artwork, the name of the author, performers, year and place of creation.
Post-graduate students and doctoral candidates will not be charged the fee for publication.
Materials submitted without complying with these requirements will not be considered.
All of these parameters due to new rules established in 2008 by the Higher attestation Commission of the Ministry of education and science of Russia (VAK) for publications included in the «List of leading reviewed scientific journals and publications».