2018 №№ 3-4

Pro Present

Mirror of Stage

Nina Shalimova. Ostrovsky in one’s own words, strokes and colors

Dzhamilya Kumukova. Tsvetaeva’s Romance at the turn of the centuries

Close up

Alexander Chepurov. ‘One Can’t Do Without Theatre...’ Krystian Lupa Working on The Seagull in the Alexandrinsky Theatre

Ksenia Stolnaya. In Search of Eternity


Irina Boykova. ‘Youth of the Pushkin’s Theatre in Russia...’

Larissa Kuchanskaya. Dance Macabre or Life after Death in Hell

Alexander Fuks. Calvary for Four

Top Artists

Dialogue about Theatre. Conversation between Lyudmila Bakshi and Heiner Goebbels

Theatre Disputes

Ekaterina Kretova. Everything is Permitted


Marina Raku. The Three Pillars. Moscow Academic Music Theatre celebrates 100 years

Experience and Reflection

Alexander Chepurov. The Profession of a Theatre Theorist

Natalia Skorokhod. Gorky vs Dostoevsky: once again about ‘karamazovshchina’


In the Beginning Was the Word. Questionnaires on scenic speech Anna Petrova and Marina Timasheva publication

Maria A. Isplatovskaya, Nadezhda N. Shkoda. The Minuet and the Classical Dance

Pro Memoria


Vidmantas Silyunas. Quenching one’s Thirst or The Secrets of a Successful Playwright

Lyudmila Starikova. Theatre and entertainment in the Two Russian Capitals in the Epoch of Elizaveta Petrovna. Imperial companies

Elena Dunaeva. On the Russian Perception of Molière

Andrey A. Yuriev. A Doll’s House Staged First: a Reconstruction of the Performance and Its Reception

At the Intersection of Arts

Olga Shabunina. Great Russian Orchestra and Ballet at the turn of the XIX–ХХ centuries: creative contacts and joint ventures

Elena Khaichenko. The Image of Theatre in the Pre-war Decade Literature

Theatre Stories

Vitaly Dmitrievsky. Some Facts from the History of the Children's Theater in the Soviet Russia

Elena Khaichenko. Oh, What a Lovely War! Joan Littlewood – Experience of Creating a Political Musical

Elena Dunaeva. ‘Storms’ in the Central Theatre of Soviet Army

Annotations and Authors