2022 №№1-2

Pro present

Stage opening

Yevgeniya Kuznetsova. Prophecy?

Marina Timasheva. Between Earth and Sky There is a War

Olga Yegoshina. Where are You Racing to, Bird-Troika?

Alexander Kolesnikov Lohengrin. Those Who Have Known Sorrow

Natalia Skоrokhod. Black and White

Anastasia Ivanova. The Forced Molière or Uncoerced Farces


Ksenia Stolnaya. All That’s Left

Main persons

Maria Khalizeva. Man is Man’s Avatar

Glance at something

Julia Oseeva. Playlist Drama. Three Productions of the St. Petersburg Stage

Alexander Ushkarev. Online theatre-goer as a Symbol of a New Cultural Reality

Experience and thoughts

Lyudmila and Alexander Baksh. Loops of Our Time. A Composition for Two Voices in Three Parts Fragments from the book

Yelena Gorfunkel. The Three Sisters. 1967

Yulia Anokhina. Andrey Tarkovsky’s Hamlet: «The Time is out of Joint…»

Pro memoria


Andrey Yuriev. Karatygin’s Hamlet as a Hero of the Post-Decembrists’ Epoch To the 190th anniversary of the Alexandrinsky Stage’s foundation and the 220th anniversary of its greatest tragedian Vasily Karatygin’s birth


Yelena Khaichenko. The Image of a Stranger in the Irish Drama of the XX–XXI Centuries

Theatre stories

Yelena Bespalova. The Good-Humored Ladies – Ballet of the Diaghilev Company

Maxim Gudkov. Eugene Vakhtangov’s Ideas Across the Ocean: Maxim Gorky’s Late Plays at the Artef Theatre (NYC)

Our publications

Sergei Tcherkasski. Boleslavsky’s Lessons, as a theatre production performed on a book page

Richard Boleslavsky. The Fifth Lesson in Acting: Observation

Richard Boleslavsky. The Sixth Lesson in Acting: Rhythm Publ., translation, illustrations selection and commentary by Sergei Tcherkasski

Сергей Черкасский. Пойдем дальше, или Седьмой урок Болеславского

A Self-Portrait Against the Background of a Portrait. From the Letters of Boris Zingerman to Svetlana Bushueva. 1975–1980 Publication, Introductory Article, Comments by V.V. Ivanov, M. Khalizeva

Memoirs of M.A. Boguslavskaya about A.I. Sumbatov-Yuzhin Publication, Comments by A. Korf
