2017 №№ 1-2
Pro present
Season premiers. Selected
Dmitry Trubochkin. Reminder of catharsis: Oedipus Rex at the Vakhtangov Theater
Vadim Shcherbakov. Oedipus Non Rex
Ella Mikhaliova. Chronicles of one exile
St.-Petersburg diary. Dostoyevsky
Elena Gorfunkel. Brothers, brothers and brothers
Andrey Yuriev. The Gospel vs Axe
Marina Timasheva. Arthur Miller back in Line
Anastasia Ivanova. Actor’s portrait of the director
Leonid Kheifets: «Why should you read all this, if All my sons is already written?»
Mirror of the stage
Olga Egoshina. The new time-space in the Chekhov productions
Glance at something
Ekaterina Kretova. Opera and ballet for dramatic artists
Marina Timasheva. Nigerian Ski Championships
Lyudmila Bakshi. About the theatre of sound: testimony of a witness
Alexsander Bakshi: «Music is an invisible theatre where the intonations work»
Pro books
Pro Memoria
Natalya Vavilina. The wagon of Thespis
Anna Grutsynova. Russians plots in the west european ballet of the 19th century
Theatre and prose
Natalia Skorokhod. War and peace as a theatre practice. Dramatic approach
Theatre’s plot
Lyudmila Shulga. N. Demidov pedagogical principles
Alexander Kolesnikov. Looking for comic
Lyubov Oves. A Fairy Artist. Valeriy Dorrer
Heritage. Documents and evidences
Vladislav Ivanov. E.B. Vakhtangov’s letters to N.G. Brugger (1915)
Vladislav Ivanov. Epistolary heritage of S.М. Mikhoels is extremely meager
Productions of different years
Vladimir Kolyazin. Summerfolk by Maxim Gorky. Pra-Chekhov of Schaubühne
Galina Kovalenko. Ed. Albee’s Tiny Alice Directed by A. Schneider
Natalia Skоrokhod. Fr Tom zar Golod to Stachka